Supported Filetypes in NTB Mediebank

This list is the current state of what the Mediebank support. Adding of formats will be considered upon request.

File extensionMime TypeMax file size
jpgimage/jpeg1 GBJoint Photographic Experts Group image
jpegimage/jpeg1 GBJoint Photographic Experts Group image
webpimage/webp1 GBRaster graphics file format developed by Google intended as a replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats
pngimage/png1 GBPortable Network Graphics
heicimage/heic1 GBHigh Efficiency Image File Format
tifimage/tiff1 GBTagged Image file
tiffimage/tiff1 GBTagged Image file
dngimage/x-adobe-dng1 GBAdobe Digital Negative image file
arwimage/x-sony-arw1 GBSony Alpha Raw image file
cr2image/x-canon-cr21 GBCanon Raw image file (v2)
cr3image/x-canon-cr31 GBCanon Raw image file (v3)
nefimage/x-nikon-nef1 GBNikon Electronic Format image file
rafimage/x-fuji-raf1 GBFujifilm RAW image file
jfifimage/jpeg1 GBJPEG File Interchange Format
gifimage/gif1 GBGraphics Interchange Format
svgimage/svg+xml1 GBScalable Vector Graphics
mp4video/mp430 GBMPEG-4 Part 14 video file
m4vvideo/x-m4v30 GBVideo container format developed by Apple, which is very similar to the MP4 format
movvideo/quicktime30 GBQuickTime video file
3gpvideo/3gpp30 GBMultimedia container format defined by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) for 3G UMTS multimedia services
mp3audio/mpeg50 MBAudio file
wavaudio/wav50 MBWaveform Audio file
flacaudio/flac50 MBFree Lossless Audio Codec
pdfapplication/pdf50 MBPortable Document Format
psdapplication/vnd.adobe.photoshop50 MBAdobe Photoshop document
epsapplication/postscript50 MBEncapsulated PostScript
aiapplication/postscript50 MBAdobe Illustrator Artwork